Contact: +1 (289) 242-1143

PIA 2022/23 - Academic Year Soccer Academy Prep Boarding School

Spanish Football Education Academy


Thank you for your interest in EduKick PIA USA 2022/23. EduKick PIA USA is a full-time residential soccer (football) academy with full-time accredited US Charter High School education for domestic and international student-footballers form 14-18 years of age (US HIGH SCHOOL grades 9-12).

Our course also includes the option of the very popular International Baccalaureate (IB) provided by our award winning “Blue Ribbon” Prep High School, Mercyhurst Preparatory School (located in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA).

EduKick PIA USA, in partnership with Mercyhurst Preparatory School, operates an academic year US based Soccer Boarding School for international student-footballers 13-18 years old. This unique football (soccer) and education course is designed for those families worldwide that are interested in a high quality US secondary education combined with progressive fulltime football (soccer) academy program.

Our players train daily by USSF licensed coaches and are also inserted onto a competitive US soccer club with weekly matches and occasional “College Showcase” tournaments throughout the academic year. The boarding school campus is located inside a secured “Sport Park” in Erie, Pennsylvania. Erie is one of the United States most attractive cities on the east coast nestled along the American southern shores of Lake Erie.

We combined our expertise and experience in football (soccer) and education to offer the “EduKick PIA USA Soccer Boarding School,” for domestic and international players that may wish to pursue education and soccer at a US or Canadian University. Our affiliated US Charter High School, Mercyhurst Prep is a “Blue Ribbon” award winning High School that progresses nearly 100% of their students into Universities upon graduating.

Please read below and contact us for any additional information you may require. We hope that your son or daughter will join us for the 2022/23 academic year US SOCCER SEASON at EduKick PIA USA, in the Pennsylvanian hotbed of soccer…Erie, Pennsylvania, USA!

– PIA Web Page:

Mercyhurst Preparatory High School

Facebook page:



  • Mercyhurst Preparatory High School – an Award Winning Blue Ribbon Prep High School education in the USA: Clean, modern, supervised, camera monitored, police patrolled, safe boarding school facility with Pennsylvania International Academy (PIA) –  which is located inside the Ernie Banks Sports Park: Featuring on-site football training pitches, athletic facilities, etc.  –

  • All Football (Soccer) activities overseen by EduKick, the leaders in football and education academies since 2001. Program includes insertion onto a local competitive soccer club, daily small group technical sessions, Olympic Development training opportunities, college showcase tournaments, strength and conditioning sessions (and full winter soccer schedule consisting of indoor training & matches, technical ball mastery sessions, and futsal technical training). See a video of explaining the benefits of – PIA:

  • All participating student-players will be given full access (FREE OF CHARGE) to EduKick President Joey Bilotta’s SOCCER LIFE COACH services (ONLINE CONSULTANCY, MENTORSHIP FOR SOCCER PLAYERS, THEIR PARENTS & COACHES): Football Soccer Life Coach | Online Expert Consultant

  • Soccer Scholarship mentorship program and access to BEST ATHLETES (FREE OF CHARGE), to ensure the BEST opportunity for recruitment into the right US or Canadian University soccer program:

Attention INTERNATIONAL Footballers:

Our charter high school is approved by SEVIS to issue I-20 forms to international students who wish to apply for an F1 student visa. /PIA serves as administrators for the international student and boarding program for Mercyhurst Preparatory School or which remains open during all school breaks and holidays


Our affiliated High School, Mercyhurst Prep is a Blue Ribbon School of Excellence founded in 1926.  In addition, the school is the only private school in Northwest Pennsylvania offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program with over 30 years of (IB) experience. Our affiliated University is also a leading post-secondary educational institution also located in Erie, Pennsylvania, USA.

– PIA Affiliated High School, Mercyhurst Prep!

Our Residence Hall, with clean fresh air, is open all year (24/7), which makes us stand out as one of the top residential facilities in the United States.  We have organized activities scheduled every day. Our Student Ambassadors provide nurturing, stability and concern for each student. We seek to show kindness and make sure each student’s needs are met every day.  Our staff work very hard to make sure students are safe, academically challenged, active and are also happy. In addition, our Ambassadors attend and encourage students at activities and sports done weekly to give them an understanding of America.  They also teach American and Western Culture to all international students.  Our goal is guiding international and U.S. coed students, grades 9-12, on a journey that starts with their high school education and is completed with their ultimate acceptance into many of the top universities and colleges around the United States.

– PIA is located in Erie, Pennsylvania, which is in the northeast of America.  Most Ivy League schools are in the northeast as well.  Good academics has always been one of the top primary goals at PIA for both students and parents.  One of Erie’s big benefits for student academic is it has fewer distractions.  It gives students more focus for studies and school club activities. We believe, compared to other big cities across America, people in Erie are nicer, more traditional, unlike other big cities in “the daily life”.  Erie is a great place for kids to adapt to America culture/life as it gives young men and woman more opportunities to experience. We believe Erie is safer than most cities and has great various outdoor activities.  It helps students to get more involved into the community and help the students to obtain a healthier lifestyle.

– PIA Student-Player dorms!

Frequently Asked Questions

Spanish Soccer Life Coach


Must be of the age to attend High School, i.e. at least a freshman (9th grade) – ages 13-18 or post-secondarily, you must have finish High School in good standing.

 Yes, it is a full-time residency academy where players from all around the country and abroad live, study, train and compete for 10 months of the year (September – June).

 Yes, players have a 2-week Winter break (end of December – beginning of January). There are also Fall (October) and Spring (March) breaks in school, however the soccer schedule determines whether the training continues or not. Players are also welcome to stay during breaks (extra fee charged is staying for summer months).

The full annual tuition for full-time residency academy is $53,990 (US Nationals & Internationals) or $32,990 for the January – June intake and includes the following: accommodation in our dorm rooms, three meals daily that are nutritionally balanced for an athlete, health insurance, experienced coaching and training, strength and conditioning training, training gear, education tuition at Mercyhurst Prep High School, tutoring and academic support, college recruitment assistance, NCAA eligibility counseling, SAT/ACT prep,  team travel and team transportation, tournament and tournament registration fees.

This does not include any Visa / Immigration expenses, transportation costs incurred in getting to or from the Academy and any personal expenses required through the year.

Yes, Mercyhurst Prep Academy is a fully accredited US charter high school offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, with over 30 years of (IB) experience.

No, to be considered for a potential full-time residency program every player needs to send us his current academic reports and current football (soccer) resume with at least two references and/or video.

Once you have accepted and paid deposit payment or payment in full, we will issue you an I20 form. At this point you can request an appointment at the U.S. Embassy in your home country and apply for the F-1 student visa.

Currently, international students are only allowed to attend a U.S. public high school for a total of 12 months with the issued I-20 form and F-1 student visa. However, we can re-issue the I-20 annually for students that wish to return and graduate from our affiliated school.

PIA Football + Education ACADEMY Academic Year Tuition:

  • Year Long (August 15, 2022 – June 12, 2023)
    2022/23 Tuition Fee:
    $53,990 USD – Includes Football Academy  (15% deposit required with application form)
    $48,490 USD – NO FOOTBALL PARTICIPATION – Academics ONLY (15% deposit required with application form)

The tuition fee includes:

  • Supervised accommodation in our dorm rooms
  • Medical insurance
  • Daily Team meals (three) that are nutritionally balanced for an athlete
  • Experienced daily soccer coaching sessions from our Academy Coaches
  • Modern state of the art soccer training facility
  • Strength and conditioning training program
  • Academy training gear
  • High School education at Mercyhurst Prep High School (IB program offered)
  • Tutoring and academic support
  • College recruitment assistance
  • NCAA eligibility counseling
  • SAT/ACT prep support
  • Team travel and team transportation
  • Tournament and tournament registration fees
  • SOCCER LIFE COACH services
  • Access to BEST ATHLETES
  • Apple IPAD


The tuition fee does not include:

  • Airfare
  • USA – F1 student visa application fees
  • Transport to/from Academy
  • Personal expenses throughout academic year


2022/23 Academic year REGISTRATION INFO:

“Our students apply for the F-1 student visa, which is usually good for 5 years, but only lasts as long as the student is enrolled full time in a SEVIS approved educational program. Once the program ends, it expires because the F-1 visa is purely for education. For our students, they obtain their visa before first arriving and it’s good until they graduate. No need to re-apply yearly.”

To register, please email us all pre-qualification support information:

  1. Complete and return the EduKick 2022/23 registration form
  2. Complete and return the PIA_MPS registration attached (as required by MPS)
  3. Send us the Player’s most recent Academic Transcripts (as required by MPS)
  4. Send us the Player’s Passport Photo page (copy)
  5. Send us a brief “Reference Letter” from student’s MATH and ENGLISH teachers (as required by MPS)
  6. Send us the Player’s soccer/football résumé (and any video) with coach reference (if possible)

Afterwards, we will schedule a SKYPE call (please provide student’s Skype address) in order to conduct an interview to ensure that the student-player will be accepted at our affiliated Prep High School MPS.


12 reasons to Choose the PIA Soccer Boarding School!


  1. Boarding Tuition to attend Mercyhurst Prep including Diocese fee, I-Pad insurance, and Technology fee.  Each student receives an I-Pad that is theirs to keep when they graduate.
  1. MPS does offer an ELL (English Language Learning) class to all incoming international students as well as a class on American Cultures, which is taught by Ms. Laughlin,  the Director of International Students.  Ms. Laughlin evaluate the student, communicate with his/her teachers, the Residence Hall and the family to establish the best course of action to assist the student.  This may include additional time with teachers before and/or after school.  Working with a fellow student who is on the honor roll and providing tutoring hours as part of their community service. In some case we have determined that hiring a professional ESL teacher or adult tutor is more beneficial to the student; typically purchased in blocks of 10 hours at $25/hour or $250. 
  1. Certified teacher to oversee Study Hall in the Residence Hall, 2 hours per day, 5 nights a week (Sunday – Thursday) with additional staff available to answer questions.  Top students may also participate in a peer leadership program that allows them to   earn community service hours while assisting their classmates with improving their academic performance.
  1. Robust student health insurance plan, with a dedicated Student Ambassador Team member to assist the student with submitting insurance claims when necessary.
  1. Starter school uniform, including slacks, shorts or skirt, long sleeve and short sleeve shirt, sweater or cardigan and a tie.  We also offer student in services on how to properly do laundry so those whites stay white!
  1. Residence Hall  with only two students per room, with the option to upgrade to a single room. The student room includes a bed, dresser, storage closet, desk, and desk chair. 
  1. Transportation to & from the Erie International Airport provided for beginning of year and end of year departure with no extra fee.  Additional transportation request would be submitted via our website,  Students with medical  appointments take precedence, followed by school functions, with additional slots available for other requests. Weekly shopping excursions are scheduled for every Wednesday and Sunday, along with Friday dinner and a movie drop off. 
  1. Our Food Service department provides home cooked meals 7 days a week and tries to work with our families to maintain a home environment for our students.  We encourage families to contact us throughout the year and share your favorite recipe or dish.
  1.  State of the Art Fitness Center at MPS where students may exercise before or after school. The residence hall is also next door to the Erie Bank Sports Park, a sports and recreation facility that offers a wide variety of league sports to the community such as:  ice hockey, soccer, baseball and lacrosse.
  1. Wireless internet service throughout the Residence Hall.
  1. Student lounges provided throughout the Residence Hall with a game room, pianos, keyboard, drum set and guitars.  The Residence Hall also provides two laundry rooms for the students to use at no additional cost.
  1. Unlike most boarding programs, the Residence Hall would be your home during the year and remains open 24/7, from the day you arrive on campus in August until you head home in June. This includes all holiday breaks.


Competitive, serious young footballers (boys and girls) from 13 to 18 years of age can PRE-REGISTER for the best residential soccer academy in the USA (EduKick PIA Academy) by replying to this email and submitting evidence of qualification.

Please email us all pre-qualification support information such as:

  1. Player’s Academic Transcripts
  2. Player’s soccer/football résumé
  3. Player’s soccer/football highlight video links
  4. Player’s coaches’ references
  5. Player’s photo in soccer gear